84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (2024)

Table of Contents
Adho Mukha Shvanasana Adho Mukha Vrksasana Akarna Dhanurasana Anantasana Anjaneyasana List of best 44 Meditation Techniques Ardha Chandrasana Ashtanga Namaskara Bakasana Astavakrasana Baddha Konasana Bhekasana 49 Must Read Yoga Books Bhujangasana Balasana Bhairavasana Bharadvajasana Bhujapidasana Bidalasana Durvasasana Chaturanga Dandasana Dhanurasana 20+ Best Image Optimization Plugins For WordPress Dandasana Garbha Pindasana 16 Best Sleeping Positions Gomukhasana Hanumanasana Garudasana Gorakshasana Janusirsasana Halasana Kapotasana Jathara Parivartanasana Koundinyasana Kraunchasana Kukkutasana 84 Most Influential and Popular Philosophers Kurmasana Matsyasana Malasana Lolasana Makarasana Marichyasana Matsyendrasana Padmasana Mayurasana Natarajasana Navasana 96 Popular Indian Philosophers Siddhasana Parighasana Utthita Parsvakonasana Pasasana Paschimottanasana Parshvottanasana Salabhasana Shavasana Sarvangasana Prasarita Padottanasana Eka Pada Rajakapotasana 119 Oldest and Most Significant Cultures and Civilizations Split (gymnastics) Simhasana Sirsasana Sukhasana Vrischikasana Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Supta Padangusthasana Svastikasana Tadasana Trikonasana Surya Namaskar 10 Best Yoga Poses to Improve Immunity or Immune System Tittibhasana Trivikramasana Tulasana Chakrasana Upavista Konasana Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana Ustrasana Utkatasana Utthita Padangusthasana Uttanasana Vajrasana 13 Yoga Poses for Better Sleep Virasana Yoganidrasana Utthita Vasisthasana Viparita Dandasana Vriksasana Viparita Karani Virabhadrasana References

Nowadays, everyone is realizing the benefits Yoga can offer. Though it is an ancient practice, Yoga has become an essential part of the daily life of millions of people. Some attend a formal Yoga class to learn various Yoga asanas while many practice Yoga at home learning online. If done well, practicing yoga has great health benefits. On this page different types of asanas in yoga with names and pictures and their benefits are given. These Yoga asanas do everything from fighting stress, anxiety, and depression, to keeping the heart and stomach healthy. Some Yoga asanas reduce inflammation in the body while a few can relieve migraines. The list has been devised to help everyone who is searching for a definitive guide to various yoga poses. These Yoga asanas would also help in bringing your body, mind, and soul into a cool meditative state. Practice these asanas to achieve overall harmony and contentment and lead a healthy, happy, and prosperous life. Below are the yoga asanas images with names and benefits in English list, in this list you can all find yoga asanas names with pictures and benefits.


Adho Mukha Shvanasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (1)

Downward Dog Pose,Downward-facing Dog Pose,orAdho Mukha Shvanasana is an inversion Asana in modern yoga as exercise, often practised as part of a flowing sequence of poses, especially Surya Namaskar, the Salute to the Sun. The asana does not have formally named variations, but several playful variants are used to assist beginning practitioners to become comfortable in the pose. Downward Dog stretches the hamstring and calf muscles in the backs of the legs, and builds strength in the shoulders. Some popular sites have advised against it during pregnancy, but an experimental study of pregnant women found it beneficial. Downward Dog has been called “deservedly one of yoga’s most widely recognized yoga poses”and the “quintessential yoga pose”. As such it is often the asana of choice when yoga is depicted in film, literature, and advertising. The pose has frequently appeared in Western culture, including in the titles of novels, a painting, and a television series, and it is implied in the name, “Yoga”, of a foldable computer.

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Adho Mukha Vrksasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (2)

A handstand is the act of supporting the body in a stable, inverted vertical position by balancing on the hands. In a basic handstand, the body is held straight with arms and legs fully extended, with hands spaced approximately shoulder-width apart and the legs together. There are many variations of handstands, all of which require the performer to possess adequate balanceand upper body strength.

Handstands are performed in many athletic activities, including acro dance, cheerleading, circus, yoga, calisthenics, and gymnastics. Some variation of a handstand is performed on every gymnastic apparatus, and many tumbling skills pass through a handstand position during their execution. Breakdancers incorporate handstands in freezes and kicks. Armstand dives—a category found in competitive platform diving—are dives that begin with a handstand. Swimmers perform underwater handstands as a game, with their heads, arms, and bodies underwater with their legs and feet extended above the surface, often having contests with the winner being the person who can remain in an underwater handstand the longest.

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Akarna Dhanurasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (3)

Akarna Dhanurasana also called the Archer pose,Bow and Arrow pose,orShooting Bow pose is an asanainhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercise. The posture resembles an archer about to release an arrow.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (4)

Anantasana Sleeping Vishnu Pose or Vishnu’s Couch Pose, Eternal One’s Pose, or Side-Reclining Leg Lift is an asana in modern yoga as exercise.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (5)

Anjaneyasana Crescent Moon Pose or Ashwa Sanchalanasana, Equestrian Pose is a lunging back bending asana in modern yoga as exercise. It is sometimes included as one of the asanas in the Surya Namaskar sequence, though usually with arms down in that case.

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Ardha Chandrasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (7)

Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon Pose is a standing asana in modern yoga as exercise. The name comes from the Sanskrit words अर्ध ardha meaning “half”, चन्द्र candra meaning “moon”, and आसन asana meaning “posture” or “seat”.

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Ashtanga Namaskara

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (8)

Ashtanga Namaskara also called Ashtanga Dandavat Pranam, Eight Limbed pose, Caterpillar pose, or Chest, Knees and Chin pose is a posture sometimes used in the Surya Namaskar sequence in modern yoga as exercise, where the body is balanced on eight points of contact with the floor: feet, knees, chest, chin and hands.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (9)

Bakasana(Crane pose), and the similarKakasana(Crow pose) are balancingasanasinhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercise.In all variations, these are arm balancing poses in which hands are planted on the floor, shins rest upon upper arms, and feet lift up. The poses are often confused, but traditionally Kakasana has arms bent, Bakasana (thecranebeing the taller bird with longer legs) has the arms straight.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (10)

Astavakrasana orEight-Angle Poseis a hand-balancingasanain modernyoga as exercisededicated to the sageAstavakra, the spiritual guru of King Janaka.

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Baddha Konasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (11)

Baddha Konasana,Bound Angle Pose,Throne Pose,Butterfly Pose,orCobbler’s Pose(after the typicalsittingposition of Indian cobblers when they work),and historically calledBhadrasana,is a seatedasanainhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercise. It is suitable as ameditation seat.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (12)

Bhekasana or Frog posture is a reclining asana in modern yoga as exercise. It is one of several poses that put the body in a shape like that of a frog: another is Mandukasana. The name comes from the Sanskrit words Bheka (भेका, bheka) meaning “frog”, and asana (आसन) meaning “posture” since the asana resembles a frog.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (14)

Bhujangasana orCobra Poseis a reclining back-bendingasanainhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercise.It is commonly performed in a cycle of asanas inSurya Namaskar(Salute to the Sun) as an alternative toUrdhva Mukha Svanasana(Upwards Dog Pose).

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (15)

Balasana,Child’s Pose,orChild’s Resting Poseis a kneelingasanain modernyoga as exercise. Balasana is a counter asana for various asanas and is usually practiced before and afterSirsasana.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (16)

Bhairavasana or formidable pose, sometimes called Supta Bhairavasana is a reclining asana in hatha yoga; the variation Kala Bhairavasana has the body balanced on the straight leg and one arm, as in Vasiṣṭhasana. Bhairava is one of the eight aspects of the god Shiva. The pose has also been called Aṇkusasana, the elephant goad pose.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (17)

Bharadvajasana or Bharadvaja’s twist is a twisting asana in modern yoga as exercise. The asana is dedicated to the sage Bharadvāja who was one of the Seven Great Sages or Rishi. He was the father of Drona, a master of military arts and the royal guru to Kauravas, Pandavas and the Devastras, the princes who fought the great war of the Mahabharata.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (18)

BhujapidasanaorShoulder pressing postureis a hand-balancingasanain modernyoga as exercise.A variant pose,Eka Hasta Bhujasana, has one leg stretched out straight forwards.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (19)

Bidalasana or Marjariasana both meaning Cat Pose in Sanskrit, is a kneeling asana in modern yoga as exercise. A variant with one leg held out is Vyaghrasana Tiger Pose. A variant with the back lowered is Bitilasana Cow Pose; this is often used as the counter-posture, and a widely used exercise is to alternate between Cat and Cow Poses repeatedly.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (20)

Durvasasana orDurvasana,is an advanced standingasanainhatha yoga.

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Chaturanga Dandasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (21)

Chaturanga Dandasana or Four-Limbed Staff pose, also known as Low Plank, is an asana in modern yoga as exercise and in some forms of Surya Namaskar (Salute to the Sun), in which a straight body parallel to the ground is supported by the toes and palms, with elbows at a right angle along the body. The variation Kumbhakasana, Phalakasana, or High Plank has the arms straight.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (22)

Dhanurasana, Bow pose,is a backbendingasanainhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercise.

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Garbha Pindasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (25)

Garbha Pindasana,Embryo in Womb Pose,sometimes shortened toGarbhasana,is a seated balancingasanainhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercise. The pose is identical toUttana Kurmasana, the inverted tortoise pose, except that the body is on the back in that pose instead of balancing upright.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (27)

GomukhasanaorCow Face Poseis a seatedasanainhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercise, sometimes used formeditation.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (28)

HanumanasanaorMonkey Poseis a seatedasanain modernyoga as exercise. It is the yoga version of thefront splits.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (29)

GarudasanaorEagle Poseis a standing balancingasanain modernyoga as exercise. The name was used in medievalhatha yogafor a different pose.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (30)

Gorakshasana,Cowherd poseis a seatedasanainhatha yoga. It has been used formeditationand intantricpractice.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (31)

Janu Sirsasana,Head-to-Knee Pose,is a seated twisting and forward bendingasanain diverse schools of modernyoga as exercise.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (32)

Halasana orPlough pose,is an invertedasanainhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercise. Its variations includeKarnapidasanawith the knees by the ears, andSupta Konasanawith the feet wide apart.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (33)

Kapotasana orPigeon Poseis a kneelingback-bendingasanain modernyoga as exercise.

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Jathara Parivartanasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (34)

Jathara Parivartanasana,Revolved Abdomen pose,Belly twist, orSpinal twistis a reclining twistasanain modernyoga as exercise.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (35)

Koundinyasana orSage Kaundinya’s pose, is a hand-balancingasanain modernyoga as exercise. It may be performed with both legs bent (Dvi Pada Koundinyasana), or with one leg over the supporting arm, the other leg straight (Eka Pada Koundinyasana).Eka Pada Galavasana(Flying Pigeon Pose) has one leg bent, the foot hooked over the opposite arm under the body.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (36)

Krauncasana or Heron pose, also written Krounchasana, is a sitting asana in modern yoga as exercise. The pose is sitting with one knee forwards on the ground and the foot beside the hip, as in Virasana, the other leg straight and raised to touch the nose and chin, the foot grasped by both hands. It provides a stronger forward bend than Paschimottanasana. The posture is stated to be unsuitable during menstruation.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (37)

Kukkutasana,co*ckerel Pose,orRooster Postureis anasanainhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercise.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (39)

Kurmasana,Tortoise Pose,orTurtle Poseis a sitting forward bendingasanainhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercise.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (40)

MatsyasanaorFish poseis a reclining back-bendingasanainhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercise. It is commonly considered a counterasana toSarvangasana, or shoulder stand, specifically within the context of theAshtanga Vinyasa YogaPrimary Series.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (41)

The nameMalasanais used for varioussquattingasanasinhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercise. Traditionally, and inB. K. S. Iyengar’sLight on Yoga, Malasana, orGarland Pose, is used for a different squatting pose with the feet together and the back rounded with multiple hand placement variations.When the hands are bound around the back this pose is also calledKanchyasana(“golden belt pose”). In the West, the name Malasana is also used for the “regular squat pose”, also calledupavesasana,in which the hand palms are folded together in the so-callednamaskar mudrain front of the chest, and the feet are set wider apart. In theSritattvanidhi, the name Malasana is given tobhujapidasana, the “shoulder press”, in which the palms are placed on the ground, the body balancing on the hands, and the legs resting on the shoulders.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (42)

LolasanaorPendant poseis a hand-balancingasanain modernyoga as exercise.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (43)

Makarasana orCrocodile poseis a recliningasanainhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercise.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (44)

Marichyasana, the pose of the sage Marichi is a sitting twist asana in modern yoga as exercise, in some forms combined with a forward bend.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (45)

Matsyendrasana,Matsyendra’s PoseorLord of the Fishes Pose, is a seated twistingasanainhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercise. The full form is the difficultParipurna Matsyendrasana. A common and easier variant isArdha Matsyendrasana.The asana usually appears as aseatedspinal twist with many variations, and in its half form is one of the twelve basic asanas in many systems of hatha yoga.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (46)

Lotus positionorPadmasanais a cross-legged sittingmeditation posefromancient India, in which each foot is placed on the opposite thigh. It is an ancientasanainyoga, predatinghatha yoga, and is widely used formeditationinHindu,Tantra,Jain, andBuddhisttraditions.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (47)

MayurasanaorPeaco*ck poseis a hand-balancingasanainhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercisewith the body held horizontal over the hands. It is one of the oldest non-seated asanas.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (48)

Natarajasana,Lord of the Dance PoseorDancer Poseis a standing, balancing, back-bendingasanain modernyoga as exercise.It is derived from a pose in the classical Indian dance formBharatnatyam, which is depicted in temple statues in theNataraja Temple, Chidambaram.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (49)

Naukasana,Boat Pose, orParipurna Navasana is a seatedasanain modernyoga as exercise.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (51)

Siddhasana orAccomplished Pose, is an ancient seatedasanainhatha yogaand modernyoga as exercisesuitable formeditation.The namesMuktasana andBurmese positionare sometimes given to the same pose, sometimes to an easier variant.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (52)

Parighasana or Gate Pose is a kneeling asana in modern yoga as exercise. The asana is not known before the 20th century. Since, as yoga scholar Mark Singleton writes, it closely resembles a pose used in modern gymnastics, such as Niels Bukh’s 1924 Primary Gymnastics, it is likely that Krishnamacharya derived the asana from the general gymnastics culture of his time; there is no suggestion that he copied it directly from Bukh.

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Utthita Parsvakonasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (53)

Utthita Parsvakonasana,Extended Side Angle Pose,is anasanain modernyoga as exercise. It involves using many essential muscle groups: legs, ankles, groin, chest, lungs, shoulders, spine, and the abdomen.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (54)

Pasasana orNoose Poseis anasana. The pose is described and illustrated in the 19th centurySritattvanidhi; a slightly different pose is described in the 1966Light on Yoga.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (55)

Paschimottanasana, Seated Forward Bend, or Intense Dorsal Stretch is a seated forward-bending asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. The pose is entered from Dandasana (the seated Staff Pose) by bending forward from the hips without straining and grasping the feet or lower legs. A strap may be placed around the feet and grasped in the hands if the back is stiff. The head may be rested on a folded blanket or bolster, which may be raised on a small stool if necessary.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (56)

Parshvottanasana orIntense Side Stretch Poseis a standing and forward bendingasanain modernyoga as exercise.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (57)

Salabhasana, Shalabhasana, Locust pose, or Grasshopper pose is a prone back-bending asana in modern yoga as exercise. Salabhasana is entered from a prone position. The legs are stretched out straight and lifted; the arms are stretched straight back, palms down, and lifted; the head is lifted and the gaze is directed straight ahead. It is a back bend, or spine stretch, utilizing the strength of the upper and middle back to lift the weight of the legs as high as possible from a starting position while face down on the floor. It improves flexibility and coordination, exercises the back muscles, and increases strength and stamina.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (58)

Shavasana, Corpse Pose, or Mrtasana, is an asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise, often used for relaxation at the end of a session. It is the usual pose for the practice of yoga nidra meditation. The name comes from the Sanskrit words शव Śava, “corpse” and आसन Āsana, “posture” or “seat”. The alternative name Mrtasana is from Sanskrit मृत mṛta, “death”.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (59)

Sarvangasana,Shoulderstand, or more fullySalamba Sarvangasana(Supported Shoulderstand),is an invertedasanain modernyoga as exercise; similar poses were used in medievalhatha yoga. Many named variations exist, including with legs inlotus positionand Supta Konasana with legs wide apart, toes on the ground. Sarvaṅgāsana has been nicknamed “queen” or “mother” of all the asanas.

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Prasarita Padottanasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (60)

Prasarita Padottanasana or Wide Stance Forward Bend is a standing forward bend asana in modern yoga as exercise. This is a standing pose with the feet wide apart and the body folded forward and down until in the completed pose the head touches the ground and the hands are placed flat on the ground, the tips of the fingers in line with the heels, the arms bent at right angles. In |Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, four variant forms of the asana, which is considered fundamental to that style of yoga, are identified.

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Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (61)

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana or [One-legged] King Pigeon Pose is a seated back-bending asana in modern yoga as exercise. The Yin Yoga form of the asana is named Swan Pose. Starting from sitting in Dandasana, one knee is bent, keeping the knee on the floor, so the foot is just in front of the groin, and the other leg is taken straight back. For the completed pose bend the knee of the rear leg, and grasp the foot or ankle with one or both hands.

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Split (gymnastics)

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (63)

Asplit(commonly referred to assplitsorthe splits) is a physical position in which the legs are in line with each other and extended in opposite directions. Splits are commonly performed in various athletic activities, includingdance,figure skating,gymnastics,contortionism,synchronized swimming,cheerleading,martial artsandyoga as exercise, where a front split is namedHanumanasanaand a side split is namedSamakonasana. A person who has assumed a split position is said to be “in a split”or “doing the splits”.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (64)

Simhasana or Lion Pose is an asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise.

The name comes from the Sanskrit words simha (सिंह), meaning “lion”, and āsana (आसन), meaning “posture” or “seat”. The pose has also been named Narasimhasana, from Sanskrit नरसिंह Narasimha, a lion-man avatar of the god Vishnu. The posture is described in the tenth century Vimānārcanākalpa.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (65)

Salamba Shirshasana, often shortened toShirshasana, orYoga Headstandis an invertedasanain modernyoga as exercise; it was described as both an asana and amudrain classicalhatha yoga, under different names. It has been called the king of all asanas.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (66)

Sukhasana, easy pose, is a simple cross -legged sitting asana in hatha yoga, sometimes used for meditation in both Buddhism and Hinduism.

The 19th century Sritattvanidhi describes and illustrates the pose. The name, and the more general name Yogasana which may denote a variety of similar poses, is found in much older documents as a meditation seat, such as in the 4th century Darshana Upanishad.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (67)

VrischikasanaorScorpion poseis an invertedasanain modernyoga as exercisethat combines a forearm balance and backbend.Light on Yoga treats both forearm and hand balance forms as variants of this pose. It is a part of the headstand cycle in some yoga traditions. A similar pose,Pincha MayurasanaorFeathered Peaco*ck pose, is a forearm balance with the body raised, giving some resemblance to a peaco*ck’s tail.

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Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (68)

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Shoulder supported bridge or simply Bridge, also called Setu Bandhasana, is an inverted back-bending asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. The pose is named from the Sanskrit words सेतु Setu, a bridge; बन्ध Bandha, caught; सर्वा Sarva, all; ङ्ग Anga, limb; and आसन Asana, seat or posture.

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Supta Padangusthasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (69)

Supta Padangusthasana, Reclining Hand to Big Toe pose, or Supine Hand to Toe pose is a reclining asana in modern yoga as exercise. The name is from the Sanskrit सुप्त पादाङ्गुष्ठासन supta pādāṅguṣṭhāsana, from सुप्त supta, “reclined”, पादाङ्गुष्ठ pādāṅguṣṭha, “big toe”, and आस āsana, “posture” or “seat”.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (70)

Svastikasana is an ancientmeditation asanainhatha yoga, sitting cross-legged. In Sanskritsvastikameans auspicious; it is also the name of an ancient Hindu symbol of good fortune.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (71)

Tadasana,Mountain PoseorSamasthitiis astanding asanain modernyoga as exercise;it is not described in medievalhatha yogatexts. It is the basis for several other standing asanas.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (72)

TrikonasanaorUtthita Trikonasana, Triangle Poseis astanding asanain modernyoga as exercise.Variations include Baddha Trikonasana (bound triangle pose) and Parivrtta Trikonasana (revolved triangle pose).

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Surya Namaskar

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (73)

Surya Namaskar,Salute to the SunorSun Salutation, is a practice inyoga as exerciseincorporating a flow sequence of some twelve gracefully linkedasanas.The asana sequence was first recorded as yoga in the early 20th century, though similar exercises were in use in India before that, for exampleamong wrestlers. The basic sequence involves moving from a standing position intoDownwardandUpward Dogposes and then back to the standing position, but many variations are possible. The set of 12 asanas is dedicated to the solar deitySurya. In some Indian traditions, the positions are each associated with a differentmantra.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (75)

Tittibhasana or Firefly pose is an arm-balancing asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. The pose is said to activate the manipura chakra at the solar plexus.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (76)

Trivikramasana or the standing splits is a standing asana in hatha yoga. The name of this pose comes fromTrivikrama, a figure in Hindu mythology whose name means “three strides”, and “asana” meaning “posture” or “seat”.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (77)

Tulasana,Balance pose,Dolasana(Swing pose),Tolasana(Scale pose),orUtthita Padmasana(Raised Lotus pose)is a hand-balancingasanain modernyoga as exercise.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (78)

Chakrasana,Wheel PoseorUrdhva Dhanurasana,Upward-Facing Bow Poseis anasanainyoga as exercise. It is abackbendand is the first pose of the finishing sequence inAshtanga Vinyasa Yoga. It gives great flexibility to the spine. Inacrobaticsandgymnasticsthis body position is called abridge.

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Upavista Konasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (79)

Upavista Konasana, also written Upavistha Konasana or “wide-angle seated forward bend” is an asana in modern yoga as exercise, sitting upright with the legs as wide apart as possible, grasping the toes and leaning forward.

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Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (80)

Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana orUpward Facing Dog Poseis a back-bendingasanain modernyoga as exercise.It is commonly part of the widely-performedSurya Namaskar(Salute to the Sun) sequence,though the similarBhujangasana (cobra pose)may be used there instead.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (81)

Ustrasana, Ushtrasana, or Camel Pose is a kneeling back-bending asana in modern yoga as exercise. The name comes from the Sanskrit words उष्ट्र Uṣṭra, “camel”, and आसन, Asana meaning “posture” or “seat”.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (82)

Utkatasana, Chair Pose, is a standing asana in modern yoga as exercise. It was a low squatting asana in medieval hatha yoga. The name comes from the Sanskrit words utkaṭa (उत्कट) meaning “wild, frightening, above the usual, intense, gigantic, furious, or heavy”, and āsana (आसन) meaning “posture” or “seat”.

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Utthita Padangusthasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (83)

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, Standing Big Toe Hold or Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose is a standing balancing asana in modern yoga as exercise. The name comes from the Sanskrit words Utthita (उत्थित) meaning “extended”, Hasta (हस्त) meaning “hand”, Pada (पद) meaning “foot”, Angustha (ङ्गुष्ठ) meaning “thumb” or “toe”, and Asana (आसन) meaning “posture” or “seat”.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (84)

Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend, with variants such as Padahastasana where the toes are grasped, is a standing forward bending asana in modern yoga as exercise. The name comes from the Sanskrit words उत्तान uttāna, “intense stretch”; and आसन; āsana, “posture” or “seat”.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (85)

Vajrasana, Thunderbolt Pose, or Diamond Pose, is a kneeling asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. Medieval texts describe a variety of poses under this name.

The practitioner sits on the heels with the calves beneath the thighs. There is a four finger gap between the kneecaps, and the first toe of both the feet touch each other and sit erect.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (86)

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (87)

Virasana or Hero Pose is a kneeling asana in modern yoga as exercise. Medieval hatha yoga texts describe a cross-legged meditation asana under the same name. Supta Virasana is the reclining form of the pose; it provides a stronger stretch.

The name comes from the Sanskrit words वीर vira meaning “hero”, and आसन āsana meaning “posture” or “seat”; supta (सुप्त) means “reclined”.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (88)

YoganidrasanaorYogic Sleep Poseis a reclining forward-bendingasanain modernyoga as exercise. It is sometimes calledDvi Pada Sirsasana, but that name describes the balancing form of the pose. Inhatha yoga, the pose,Pasini Mudra, was amudra, a seal to prevent the escape ofprana, not an asana.

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Utthita Vasisthasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (89)

Utthita Vasisthasana (sometimes shortened to Vasisthasana) or Side Plank pose is a balancing asana in modern yoga as exercise. The name of the pose comes from the Sanskrit उत्थित Utthita extended, वसिष्ठ Vasiṣṭha, a sage, and आसन āsana, “posture” or “seat”. The pose is not described in the medieval hatha yoga texts. It appears in the 20th century in the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga of Pattabhi Jois.

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Viparita Dandasana

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (90)

Viparita Dandasana or Inverted Staff Pose is an inverted back-bending asana in modern yoga as exercise. It may be performed with both feet on the ground, or with one leg raised straight up.

The name of this asana comes from Sanskrit विपरीत viparīta, “inverted”, दण्ड daṇḍa, “staff” symbolising authority and the devotee’s prostration, and आसन āsana, “posture” or “seat”. The variants are named for Sanskrit एक eka, “one” or द्वि dvi, “two”, and पाद pada, “foot”.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (91)

Vrikshasana or Tree Pose is a balancing asana. It is one of the very few standing poses in medieval hatha yoga, and remains popular in modern yoga as exercise. The name comes from the Sanskrit words vṛkṣa (वृक्ष) meaning “tree”, and āsana (आसन) meaning “posture”.

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Viparita Karani

84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (92)

Viparita Karani orlegs up the wall poseis both anasanaand amudrainhatha yoga. In modernyoga as exercise, it is commonly a fully supported pose using a wall and sometimes a pile of blankets.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (93)

Virabhadrasana orWarrior Poseis a group of relatedlungingstanding asanasin modernyoga as exercisecommemorating the exploits of a mythical warrior,Virabhadra. The name of the pose derives from the Hindu myth, but the pose is not recorded in thehatha yogatradition until the 20th century. This article containsIndic text.Without properrendering support, you may seequestion marks or boxes, misplaced vowels or missing conjuncts instead of Indic text. It has been described as one of the most iconic poses in yoga.

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84 Most Popular Yoga Poses ( Asanas ) with pictures (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.