Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (2024)

This Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build is sure to impress as you sweep your enemies away in a cascade of explosions! You will enjoy the Paxian Popcorn Pyro Style!

This guide has been updated for the July 29 Update.

Table of Contents:

  • Passive Point Allocations
  • Skills and Mods
  • Gear and Stats
  • Skill Rotations
  • Video Gameplays

The Paxian Popcorn Pyromancer is an Anomaly Power, Casting-focused build that deals incredibly high damage to both single-target and large groups of enemies. It makes use of the Pyromancer’s Heat Seeker Set and strong mod synergy to quickly dispatch your foes with cascading explosions.

If that sounds fun to you, you’re in the right place to learn everything you need.

Passive Point Allocations

With the addition of Outriders: Worldslayer’s content, we now have three set of passive points to allocate and maximize our build. We’ll be going over the Class Skill Tree, the Pax Skill Tree, and Ascension Passives in this section and talking about the powerful combinations at play to really make this build shine.

Class Skill Tree

The Skill Tree here focuses entirely on the Tempest section. This offers us many benefits to our main two skills, Thermal Bomb and Overheat, as well as plenty of Anomaly Power and just a bit of extra safety. We’ll quickly cover the Notable Passives on the tree below.

If you would like more Information on these passives or more information on the Pyromancer in general, check out our Pyromancer Class Guide.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (1)

The Minor passives here focus on boosting Anomaly Power and reducing the cooldown of Explosive Skills, which benefits our two main skills heavily, as they both have the Explosion tag.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (2)

Wildfire is an important notable passive to grab for any Casting Pyromancer build, as it reduces all of our cooldowns by 10%. We want to get our skill cooldowns as low as possible, to take full advantage of our Pax Skill Tree which allows us to maintain consistent and high damage.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (3)

Extinction gives us some much-needed damage for Bosses, as it increases our damage to foes below 30% Health. This is great for taking down bosses just a bit faster, as this build can take a bit longer to deal with bosses, despite its high damage output.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (4)

With Fire and Anomaly gives us a boost in Anomaly Power after using an Explosive Skill. This allows us to make use of Overheat to boost our Anomaly Power prior to casting a Thermal Bomb in our skill rotation.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (5)

Flames That Burn Twice is a notable passive that helps us take down Elite enemies by increasing our damage a fair bit while facing them. Elites really aren’t a huge problem for the build, as aside from a few exceptions most will go down quickly. This just helps ensure it says that way.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (6)

Grave Ablaze is our last required notable passive. This gives a significant boost of damage to our Explosive Skills, allowing them to hit much harder. This not only helps us clear large groups, but gives us extra Bossing power as well.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (7)

Phoenix Nestling is an optional, but recommend Notable passive for this build. This gives us a safety net, should we end up in a situation that gets us taken out. This will revive us to 50% health, should we perish; but has a 3 minute cooldown. We can also take the Phoenix upgrade which reduces the cooldown of the effect to just over 2 minutes, as well as return all of our health.

Alternatively, if you do not wish to use Phoenix, simply replace it with the Damage to Marked Enemies node by the start of the Skill Tree and the Trial By Fire Node next to Wildfire. Both of these add just a bit of damage but will put you more solidly into a risker glass cannon build.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (8)

Finally, as another alternative, these points can also be used to pick up the Superheated passive just above Wildfire. This is a highly optional min-max choice, which can be combined with the No Resistance Against the Fortified Armor Mod, which can convert this bonus to Resistance Piercing to increase our damage and scaling.

After the July 29 this can still provide a little damage after the patch, but is generally not worth it unless you have near perfect gear as it provides a very minimal bonus.

Pax Skill Tree

Added with the Worldslayer Expansion, the Pax Skill Tree is home to several powerful passives that can drastically alter how a build may play. While we only get 5 points to spend here, we’ll be getting some powerful effects that drastically increase out damage output. Below is the Pax Skill Tree we’ll be using for the build.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (9)

We’ll be using the following Pax Skill Tree Nodes:

  • Melting Point
  • Master Exploder
  • Convection
  • Backdraft
  • Trigger Sequence
Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (10)

Melting Point makes it so when we’re at nearly full, or really low health, we’re getting a solid damage boost. While this is a small boost on it’s own, if combined with the Unstoppable Force Armor Mod, it can be a critical part of our damage scaling. Since the bonus increases at low health, this can help us get out of some very sticky situations by giving us extra burst damage as well.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (11)

Master Exploder combines and works well with Melting Point and the extra bit of Resistance Piercing we can get from our Passive Tree. it’s not going to double our damage by any means, but can provide a solid boost and is the best option we have that allows us to still reach the end of our Pax Tree.

After the July 29 Update, this is still a great pick up, but not nearly as strong as the effect now only increases it by 50% of Resistance Piercing. If you’re not able to stack up REsistance Piercing super high, then you may want to reconsider this node now

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (12)

Convection is a staple Pax Passive for any caster build. Between Cooldown reduction on Armor and our passives, we’ll typically end up with our main damage skill being just short of resetting when this triggers.

This is due to the July 29 Changes, which reduced this effect from 4 seconds, down to 2 seconds.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (13)

Backdraft helps boost the damage of Thermal Bomb, as it will be the last skill we use in our rotation just so we get maximum benefit from this node. For what amounts to a free 50% damage bonus, this is very hard to pass up for this build.

This effect was reduced down to 25% in the July 29 Changes, so it;s slightly weaker but an overall great option.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (14)

Trigger Sequence is another reason we’ll want to use Overheat before using Thermal Bomb, as if Backdraft wasn’t already reason enough. Since we’ll have two charges of Thermal Bomb, this will allow us to boost each cast of Thermal Bomb quite a bit, boosting damage by up to 105% with some casts. It’d be more consistent with three charges, unfortunately, we can’t get more than two.

With the July 29 changes, this node became a stronger option to end with, scaling by by 35% per skill on cooldown. The damage lost from the Master Exploder Changes are almost equalized by this change. It’s also a little more consistent since Convection isn’t an instant reset.

Ascension Passives

Ascension Passives are also a new Addition with Worldslayer, adding an additional way to increase your stats and refine your build. As you’d expect, we’ll be prioritizing bonuses that help caster more as a priority, though you can eventually max out all bonuses.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (15)

Below is a list of the five main stats we want to pick up, and the order we should get them.

  • Anomaly Power
  • Anomaly Damage
  • Resistance Piercing
  • Damage vs Elites
  • Cooldown Reduction

Anomaly Power is a no-brainer here. A free 10% bonus to our Anomaly Power is a huge boost to our damage. This will boost our ANomaly Power, and scale up our base skill damage.

Anomaly Damage is another obvious choice. We grab this second since this acts like a damage multiplier, which makes it a little weaker until we get our damage going first. However, it’s still a really solid increase in damage.

Resistance Piercing helps us the most with Boss and Elite Enemies, as they often have Anomaly Resistance. This helps to cut through that resistance and increase our damage further.

Damage vs Elite is another boost of damage where we need it the most. It helps us take down Elite enemies much faster, and will less skill usage.

Finally, there’s Cooldown Reduction. Since this only offer just over 5% for 10 Ascension levels of XP, it’s not that great of an early choice. It still helps when we do get it, it’s just not a huge priority because of the weak bonus.

Skills and Mods

In this build, we’ll be focused on buffing our main damage dealer, Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (16) Thermal Bomb. We’ll be using Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (17) Overheat to supplement and enable the skill to work well early on as well as using it as a buffing tool. Our final skill is a choice between Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (18) Ash Blast or Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (19) Heatwave as a debuffing skill.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (20) Thermal Bomb

Thanks to the newly added Heat Seeker Armor set, Thermal Bomb has a ton really useful and powerful mods that can make it a real powerhouse of a skill. However, for it to reach that point it will take quite a few mods. In fact, this skill with take up 6-7 mod slots by itself. We’ll be filling those slots with the following Mods:

  • Thermal Reaction
  • Firetrap
  • Branded
  • Big Boom
  • Wildfire
  • Fire Frenzy
  • Double Fun
Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (21)

Thermal Reaction give us a 30% Anomaly Power boost for 3 seconds after we defeat an enemy with Thermal Bomb. It will also empower our weapon each time we cast Thermal Bomb as well, but that’s slightly less relevant here. The huge Anomaly Power boost is what we’re after.

This Tier 3 Mod can be found on the Heat Seeker’s Helmet, which is one of our core armor pieces for late-game. It can also additionally roll as an Apocalypse Mod on legendary Armors.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (22)

Firetrap adds an initial burst of damage, provided the target we hit is already marked or afflicted with a Burn. This is a large part of what allows this skill to chain, and makes it great as removing weak enemies very quickly.

This Tier 3 Mod can be found on the Heat Seeker’s Chestplate, which much like the helmet is part of our core endgame set. It can also additionally roll as an Apocalypse Mod on legendary Armors.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (23)

Branded gives us a boost of damage and really helps the skills to chain, as it will debuff enemies hit increasing their damage taken by 30%. With the Heat Seeker Set, this will boost the damage of our initial explosion to nearby targets if the skill bounces to them before detonation.

This Tier 3 Mod can be found on the Armor of the Reforged. It can also additionally roll as an Apocalypse Mod on legendary Armors.

Double Fun is an optional Tier 3 mod, which allows Thermal bomb to hit two targets. While this can be helpful for initial bursts of damage, it’s often not too useful as many bosses don’t spawn adds to take advantage of with this mod.

This Tier 3 Mod can be found on the Cowl of the Reforged. It can also additionally roll as an Apocalypse Mod on legendary Armors, which is the ideal way to get this mod, with it being highly optional.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (24)

Big Boom is a Tier 1 Mod that simply increases the range of the Explosion. This increase affects both the detonation as well as the Thermal Reaction Mod. This makes it much easier for overlapping damage to occur, which helps the skill chain.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (25)

Wildfire is a Tier 1 Mod that inflicts a Burn when Thermal Bomb damages an enemy with an explosion. This is very helpful to your sustain and overall damage, as Thermal Reaction will also apply this Burn consistently. This isn’t as necessary if you’re running Heatwave, as Burn doesn’t stack and this offers easy access to a Burn when using Ash Blast.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (26)

Fire Frenzy allows you to cast the Thermal Bomb twice before triggering the cooldown. This allows us to get two bursts of damage from Thermal Reaction, and help to keep our rotation consistent for the Convection Pax Skill to trigger on each rotation.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (27) Overheat

Overheat will primarily be used to Mark enemies, but also turn Ash or Burn Statuses into additional Anomaly Power. Since it will consume one status or the other, it may need to be supplemented with a Mod to do so. So we’ll be looking for the Following Mods:

  • Phoenix Force
  • Cinders OR Master Consumer
Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (28)

Phoenix Force is a Tier 1 Mod that grants Anomaly power when consuming a Status, which can stack up to 10 times. This stacking bonus is easily one of the be flat Anomaly Power Boosts that’s readily available. This results in a huge increase in damage when setup properly.

Cinders is a Tier 1 mod that makes Overheat consume Ash instead of Burn. This can be an easier-to-obtain alternative to Master Consumer. This does however disable the skill from consuming Burn, and should only ever be used with Ash Blast as your debuff skill of choice.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (29)

Master Consumer is a much stronger alternative to Cinders. It allows Overheat to consume both Ash and Burn, and boosts Overheat’s damage by 150% when both are consumed. This work exceptionally well in combination with Ash Blast, Wildfire and Phoenix Force to provide constant Anomaly Power Boosts with frequent damage boosts.

This Tier 3 Mod can be found on the Boots of the Acari. It can also additionally roll as an Apocalypse Mod on Legendary Armors.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (30) Ash Blast

Ash Blast is our strongest Debuffing tool, but requires a few mods of its own to work well, which can make it harder to use until late game. At its base it can be a nice way to keep crowds of enemies from pinning you down easily, but Ash often doesn’t last long on bosses. Below are the Mods you’d want to keep an eye out for if you plan to use Ash Blast:

  • Ash Increase Range
  • Abrasion
  • Death Sentence

Ash Increase Range is a Tier 1 Mod that increases the range of Ash Blast. This is a huge bonus for Overheat, making it easier to apply Ash to several targets all at once. This allows for an easier setup of Overheat to get maximum benefits from Phoenix Force. You’d want this as an Apocalyptic Mod, as the build doesn’t need it, but makes it much more effective.

Abrasion is a Tier 1 Mod that decreases the Resistance of enemies hit by Ash Blast, making it a really solid damage increase. Sadly this will not contribute to our passive bonuses. This however doesn’t prevent it from being useful, as it one of the more powerful and reliable damage increases we can get.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (31)

Death Sentence is another debuff that can be applied by Ash Blast, even pairing with Abrasion for a strong pair of debuffs. This mod will increase Weapon Damage taken by 40%, and Anomaly Damage taken by 30%. We really only care about the Anomaly Damage, but the Weapon damage isn’t entirely wasted either.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (32) Heatwave

Heatwave is a good early alternative to Ash Blast, being fairly more reliable and offering a solid damage boost with little investment. It can provide an easy setup for Phoenix Force, without additional mods being needed to consume the Burn it applies. Below are the Mods you’ll want to keep an eye out for if you plan to use Heatwave:

  • Burnt-Out
  • Ride the Wave or Tidal Wave
Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (33)

Burnt-Out is a Tier 1 Mod that adds a debuff to increase damage taken by 15% after being hit by Heatwave. This effect can stack twice, increasing damage by 30%. On top of the reliable, low cooldown setup of Phoenix Force; this is a nice addition to your damage.

Ride the Wave and Tidal Wave are both Tier 1 mods that allow you to cast Heatwave an additional time. We really only need one of them, with the sole purpose of allowing us to apply both stacks of Burnt-Out easily prior to getting into late game, where it’s more optional as a mod.

Additional Armor Mods

There is a handful of additional Armor we can make use of that we should be always on the lookout for. Ideally, these would as Apocalyptic Mods, but if any from the lists above take their place, that will work just as well. Here are a few to keep in mind as you look over your gear drops:

  • Unstoppable Force
  • Arms and Anomaly
  • Aura of Force
  • Bullet Kindling
  • Ashen Boost
  • Fresh Mag
  • No Resistance Against the Fortified
  • Emergency Stance
  • Self-Medication
Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (34)

Unstoppable Force makes your Resistance Piercing Bonus also grant additional Anomaly Power, increasing your Anomaly Power by half of your Resistance Piercing. Combined with No Resistance Against the Fortified, you can get a pretty significant damage boost out of this pair of Mods when taking Superheated.

This Tier 3 Mod can be found on the Hands of the Reforged. It can also additionally roll as an Apocalypse Mod on Legendary Armors.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (35)

Arms and Anomaly grats a massive Anomaly Power Bonus when performing Critical Shots with a weapon. This is a fairly low requirement for the bonus it provides, being one the largest flat Anomaly Power Boosts you can get alongside Phoenix Force. It’s very easy to trigger and you can also trigger other helpful weapon mods in the process like Mage’s Rage, or armor mods like Aura of Force.

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Aura of Force is a Tier 2 Mod that boosts your team’s Anomaly Power when landing Critical Shots. It’s a very easy effect to trigger, making it an easier to obtain alternative to Arms and Anomaly.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (37)

Bullet Kindling and Ashen Boost are both Tier 2 mods that increase your damage dealt against enemies afflicted with Burn or Ash respectively. Since we’ll be applying one or both of these statues, they can be useful to pick up if we have the space for the bonus damage.

Fresh Mag is a Tier 2 Mod that increases Anomaly Power for a short time when you reload a weapon. This can pair nicely with a One-Shot Rifle Variant, for an easy and consistent increase to ANomly Power.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (38)

No Resistance Against the Fortified is a super late-game option that would allow you to take Superheated, and have it boost both your Resistance Piercing and Anomaly Power when used alongside Unstoppable Force. This is a mod you’d Ideally want to have as an Apocalyptic Mod, making it much easier to fit in for such a niche, but useful mod. It was reduced to 65% bonus in the July 29 Changes, but still fills its role as a late-game option to increase damage.

Emergency Stance is a Tier 2 Mod grants you a brief duration of Devastator’s Golem Skill, which heavily reduces incoming damage. This mod by itself can provide a nice defensive layer your the build, without too heavy of an investment.

Self-Medication is a newer mod that increases your Max Health by 10% each time you cast a skill, up to 30%. Working Similar to Life of the Party, without the requirement for enemies to be close or even alive. This can give you some much-needed health, allowing you to survive encounters easier.

Weapon Mods

There’s a hand full of Good weapon mods we can be on the lookout for, including many variations of Damage effects, or even effects that boost our Anomaly Damage, Anomaly Power. We won’t cover them all here, just a few of the highly recommended ones. Below is a quick list of Weapon mods you can look out for:

  • Mage’s Rage
  • Anomaly Enhancement
  • Resistance Breaker
  • Vulnerability Bullets
  • Fortress
  • Omen
Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (39)

Mage’s Rage grants a 10% boost to Anomly Power that can stack up to 40%, which lasts for 15 seconds. With this mod being Triggered by Critical Hit, it’s very easy to apply and lasts for a good duration while being a powerful bonus.

This Tier 3 Mod can be found on the Final Penance. It can also additionally roll as an Apocalypse Mod on Legendary Weapons.

Anomaly Enhancement is a Tier 2 Mod that increases your Firepower by a percentage of your Anomaly Power. This will make our weapon much more effective, since we won’t be stacking much Anomaly Power. It works great paired with Mage’s Rage as well, and both mods actually appear naturally on Final Penance, though it’s not really a Best-in-Slot Gun.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (40)

Resistance Breaker is a Tier 2 Mod that lowers an Enemy’s Resistance when you hit them. This is a good option for simply getting extra ability damage, from simply applying this effect every so often.

Vulnerability Bullets is another good option, regardless if you use the Tier 1, 2, or 3 Mod. While the Tier 1 Effect won’t last long, even having a short window to make use of Vulnerability can be a strong option for bossing as it boosts both the damage of weapon and abilities.

Fortress increases both your offense and Defense, by granting you a stacking Armor and Resistance buff, which also boosts your damage when fully stacked up. This makes it a solid all-arounder choice if you have access to it.

This Tier 3 Mod can be found on the Deathshield. It can also additionally roll as an Apocalypse Mod on Legendary Weapons.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (41)

Omen is a newer mod that allows you weapon to fire a projectile that can pierce walls. This projectile inflicts Bleed and a weaker version of Vulnerability, making it a very useful mod.

This Tier 3 Mod can be found the Mythos. It can also additionally roll as an Apocalypse Mod on Legendary Weapons.

Gear and Stats

Now that we’ve talked about the Skills and Mods you’ll want to look out for, let’s talk about the gear you’ll want to find them on.

Pre-Legendary Gear

This build may not feel as great without the Heat Seeker Set Bonus, but it’s still usable.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (42)

Prior to getting Legendary gear, we’ll of course be looking to find Epic gear with great mods. We’ll be looking for Epic gear with the following four Stats, in order of priority:

  • Anomaly Power
  • Cooldown Reduction
  • Skill Leech
  • Status Power

Anomaly Power is our Main Stat, and Ideally on every piece of gear we use. This will scale the damage of our Abilities and several mods. Overall, it creates the foundation for the strength of this build.

Cooldown Reduction reduces the time it take to recover our skills. We’ll want to get this on as many pieces as we can. Since three of the four skills we can use all have short cooldown, it will push them low enough to Convection to reset them after we rotate through our skills.

Skill Leech is very important for keeping us alive easier. Any time we deal damage with abilities, or Burn, we get a good amount of healing. This is a slightly lower priority than the other two, because we’ll want to split our third armor stat between Skill Leech and Status Power.

Status Power increases the duration of our Ash and Burn Statuses, while also increasing the damage of Burn. This helps with sustain from burn and makes Ash Blast or other applications of Ash really good at locking down groups of enemies. Again, we’ll want some of this, but not too much, since skill leech will do more for us overall.

Post-Legendary Gear

As mentioned earlier in this guide, we’ll be using the three-piece Set of the Heat Seeker’s Set. We’ll specifically be using the Chest, Helmet, and Legs as they all give a combination of Anomaly Power, Skill Leech, and Cooldown Reduction.

Ideally, these items will also be Apocaliytic, so they can roll an additional mod. You’d want them to roll a mod from the Additional Armor Mods or Weapon Mods lists above.

Heat Seeker’s Helmet

The Heat Seeker’s Helmet is a Legendary Helmet that has fixed stats of Anomaly Power, Skill Leech, and Healing Received. While Healing Received isn’t an ideal stat, we have to deal with it as we need both the set bonus this provides, while it grants Anomaly Power which neither the Boots or Gloves can.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (43)

This comes with one of our core Mods for Thermal Bomb, Thermal Reaction. The Anomaly Power boost from that can grant a pretty significant boost in damage. The Other Mod slot it has as a non-apocalyptic version is not helpful to our build, and can be easily replaced.

A Perfect helmet here would be the Heat Seeker’s Helmet with Death Sentence or Ashen Boost (if running Ash Blast) as an Apocalyptic Mod. This saves mod space elsewhere and adds a significant boost of damage.

Heat Seeker’s Chestplate

The Heat Seeker’s Chestplate is a Legendary Upper Armor that has fixed stats of Anomaly Power, Skill Leech, and Cooldown Reduction. Since this has three of our ideal stats, it fits perfectly into the build.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (44)

This comes with another core mod for Thermal Bomb as well, Firetrap. This makes it so that is Burning or are Marked by the Pyromancer passive take an immediate burst of damage. Similar to the Helmet, the second mod here isn’t important and can be swapped out.

A perfect Chest here would be the Heat Seeker’s Chest and either No Resistance Against the Fortified or Captain Hunter as the Apocalyptic Mod. The remaining mod slot can be used for any of the mods not listed elsewhere.

Heat Seeker’s Legplates

The Heat Seeker’s Legplates is a Legendary Lower Armor that has fixed stats of Anomaly Power, Cooldown Reduction, and Status Power. Since this has three of our ideal stats, it fits perfectly into the build.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (45)

This Armor piece comes with a nice T3 mod, but not one that fits into our build. However, we can still make use of Fire Frenzy and add another mod that fits better.

The Perfect Lower Armor here is the Heat Seeker’s Legplates with Branded as the Apocalyptic Mod. Both of the mods on this piece of gear can be used, but Wildfire can be replaced with Firestorm on your weapon if desired, leaving an open mod slot.

Epic Boots and Glove

These pieces of gear will be entirely random, so stats will be one problem. We’ll be looking to get three of our ideal stats, but can settle with two if mods are good enough. We’ll want at a minimum Anomaly Power and Cooldown Reduction, with Skill Leech or Status Power being great third lines.

Mods are also random here, but for crafting purposes you’ll want to keep an eye out for two things: One ideal General or Skill Mod and an Apocalyptic Mod that’s beneficial.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (46)

Getting a single Mod, whether it be for a Skill or one of the good mods from the Additional Armor Mods list can make a good armor piece. Though Crafting we’ll be able to make a more than acceptable piece of armor. It’ll just need to have the stats to back it up.

While a piece of gear is very usable without an Apocalypse Mod, it can keep significantly. Though if we roll an amazing piece of gear, we’ll basically be forced to feed resources into it to keep it relevant and avoid further RNG replacing it.

Perfect Gloves would be those with the mentioned stats, and rolls Bullet Kindling or Arms and Anomaly as an Apocalyptic mod. Ideally, Bullet Kindling appears as a regular mod with Arms and Anomaly as the Apoc, allowing you to freely mod the remaining slot.

Perfect Boots would have their ideal stats, and roll Phoenix Force as a mod, with Unstoppable Force as an Apocalyptic Mod, leaving the remaining slot to be freely modded.

As for what mods you can fit in these free spaces, here are the recommended mods that aren’t already on other perfected gear:

  • Death Sentence OR Ashen Boost
    • Whichever is not on the Helmet Apoc slot
  • Captain Hunter OR No Resistance Against the Fortified
    • Whichever is not on the Chest Apoc slot
  • Master Consumer
    • Increases the damage dealt by Overheat significantly
  • Ash Increase Range
    • Gives you an absurdly huge Ash Blast
  • Detonator
    • More frequent use of Overheat
  • Turn up the Heat
    • Two uses of Overheat


Honestly, any Legendary weapon with Armor Piercing as the main stat that rolls Mage’s Rage or Omen as an Apocalyptic Mod will work well enough. Other Stats we’ll want to look out for are Skill Leech and Status Power. Damage can be nice too, but as an Anomaly Power Build, it won’t be dealing much damage. Fortress is another decent option of a mod to pair with mage’s Rage as well.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (47)

To that effect, Mythos is a good option, as it’s the source of the Omen Mod and comes with Armor Piercing. Then you craft on Mage’s Rage and you’ll be set for a while. If you can manage to get both mods on an Epic somehow, then that would be even better. If you have to choose between one T3 mod or the other, Mage’s Rage can also be paired with Improved Vulnerability Bullets for a solid weapon as well.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (48)

A good weapon to have as a backup is one that can contribute significant damage. You’ll want mods that contribute high damage from on hit effects. There’s a ton to choose from but I’ve found Sandstorm and Slashing Twister to be really nice for this application, as they can be fit into a damage rotation easier with their longer cooldowns. This is due to both Mage’s Rage and Fortress falling off and requiring you to restack on weapon swap. so the less often you need to do that, the better.

Skill Rotations

Now that we’ve talked about everything that goes into the build, now we’ll cover the Skill Rotations that make it work. We’ll cover the Rotations for both the Ash Blast and Heatwave variants.

Ash Blast Rotation

This simple rotation allows you to get the absolute most out of the build and your weapons.

  1. Apply DoT Weapon Mods
  2. Stack Mage’s Rage/Fortress
  3. Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (49) Thermal Bomb
  4. Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (50) Ash Blast
  5. Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (51) Overheat
  6. Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (52) Thermal Bomb
  7. Repeat

We apply our DoT weapon effects first, as they will remain active, whereas swapping weapons will cancel Mage’s Rage and Fortress’ effects. After we apply them, we swap to our weapon with Mage’s Rage and Fortress, stack them and begin our skill rotation.

We lead with Thermal Bomb to apply Burn and deal some damage. We follow with Ash Blast to lock enemies in place with Ash. This allows us to make use of both Bullet Kindling and Ashen Boost to amp our damage by ~24%.

If we have Master Consumer for Overheat, this will immediately pull both statuses and deal heavy damage. If not it will just remove Burn and deal good damage, and boost our Anomaly Power based on the statuses consumed. We then use the second charge of Thermal Bomb here to deal damage and re-apply Burn.

After this, it’s about reapplying our DoT Mods for their damage, and keeping our stacking buffs going and simply keeping our skill rotating as much as we can.

Heatwave Rotation

This Rotation helps us get the most out of using Heatwave, providing a solid early game option until we can mod Ash Blast.

  1. Apply DoT Mods
  2. Swap to Mage’s Rage/Fortress Gun and stack up
  3. Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (53) Heatwave
  4. Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (54) Overheat
  5. Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (55) Heatwave
  6. Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (56) Thermal Bomb x2
  7. Repeat

We apply our DoT weapon effects first, as they will remain active, whereas swapping weapons will cancel Mage’s Rage and Fortress’ effects. After we apply them, we swap to our weapon with Mage’s Rage and Fortress, stack them and begin our skill rotation.

We Lead with Heatwave to apply Burn and a Stack of Burnt-Out, We immediately use Overheat to consume the Burn for additional Anomaly Power. We then use Heatwave again to re-apply the Burn and the second stack of Burnt-Out.

Then we use our charges of Thermal Bomb, using them in multiple small enemies or both into bosses if we have two charges.

After this, it’s about reapplying our DoT Mods for their damage, and keeping our stacking buffs going and simply keeping our skill rotating as much as we can.

Paxian Popcorn Pyro Build Gameplay Videos

Below you can check out gameplay videos of the Pyromancer Class using the two variants of the Paxian Popcorn Pyro Build in the EndGame of Outriders.

Heatwave Variant – Chem Plant

A Quick Run of an AT21 Chem Plant Expedition showcasing the Outriders Worldslayer Paxian Popcorn Pyromancer Build. This is the Heatwave variant of this build.

If you are using an ad-blocker, you may not be able to watch the video. You can also watch the video from this YouTube link as well.

Ash Blast Variant – Molten Depths

A Quick Run of an AT21 Chem Plant Expedition showcasing the Outriders Worldslayer Paxian Popcorn Pyromancer Build. This is the Ash Blast variant of this build.

If you are using an ad-blocker, you may not be able to watch the video. You can also watch the video from this YouTube link as well.

Outriders Worldslayer Pyromancer Build Guide: Paxian Popcorn (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.