Survivor 45 - Finale Stats - Inside Survivor (2024)

Each week Inside Survivor contributor Rob Brodeur will be collecting various Survivor-related statistics and information based on the latest episode of Survivor 45.


  • Austin made it to the end of the season without receiving any votes against him.
  • Every player in the final 3 was on a different post-swap tribe.
    • Jake – Lulu
    • Austin – Belo
    • Dee – Reba
  • All three members of the final 3 were born in the same year within a few weeks of each other.
    • Dee – October 2, 1996
    • Austin – October 23, 1996
    • Jake – November 19, 1996
  • This season is the first time that all three finalists were the same age during filming.
  • The final 4 players would have been put on different starting tribes in Cook Islands.
    • Dee on Aitu – Latin American
    • Austin on Puka Puka – Asian American
    • Jake on Rarotonga – Caucasian
    • Katurah on Manihiki – African American
  • Every season with a B stating tribe had at least one representative in the final 2/final 3.
    • Boran in Africa: Ethan & Kim J
    • Bayoneta in Panama: Danielle
    • Bikal in Caramoan: Cochran & Dawn
    • Bayon in Cambodia: Jeremy & Tasha
    • Baka in Survivor 43: Gabler & Owen
    • Belo in Survivor 45: Jake
  • This is the second season where there was a B starting tribe that did not produce a winner. The other was Bayoneta in Panama.
    • Both of these tribes were blue, and the person who didn’t win at final tribal council was from Boston.
  • Season 43 is the only new era season where the runner-up and 3rd place were of different genders (Cassidy & Owen)
    • Survivor 41: Deshawn & Xander
    • Survivor 42: Mike & Romeo
    • Survivor 44: Heidi & Carolyn
    • Survivor 45: Austin & Jake
  • Green is the only starting tribe color to not produce a winner in the new era.
    • Red: Dee (Reba)
    • Orange: Maryanne (Taku)
    • Yellow: Gabler (Baka)
    • Blue: Erika (Luvu)
    • Purple: Yam Yam (Tika)

Hidden Immunity Idol/Advantage

  • Austin is the only player to play an idol this season and negate 0 votes.
    • Julie negated 6 votes against herself.
    • Jake negated 1 vote against Katurah.

Immunity Challenge #1: “High Deck Matsui”

  • Michele Fitzgerald won this challenge both times it was used.
  • Austin is the first man to win this challenge and the first person other than Michele to win.

Immunity Challenge #2: “On Shaky Ground”

  • Dee is the first player since Woo in Cagayan to win the first and last post-merge individual immunity challenge in their season.
    • She’s the eighth player to do this after Rob in All Stars, Tom in Palau, Ozzy in Cook Islands, Susie in Gabon, Fabio in Nicaragua, Cochran in Caramoan, and Woo in Cagayan.
    • Dee and Susie are the only women to achieve this.
  • A Latin-American woman won the final immunity challenge two seasons in a row as Heidi won in Survivor 44 and Dee won this season.
  • Both challenges this season were used in Kaoh Rong.
    • Michele won both challenges used in this episode.
    • This challenge was also used in Ghost Island.
  • All three players to win this challenge received five jury votes (Michele, Domenick, & Dee).
    • Both women to win this challenge also won the season.
  • Dee is tied for second most immunity wins in the new era with Frannie (Survivor 44), Owen & Cassidy (Survivor 43), and Lindsay (Survivor 42) with three wins each.
    • Ricard from Survivor 41 holds the record for most with four.

Tribal Council #1

  • Julie was voted out 2-1-1-1.
    • This was the first 2-1-1-1 vote in Survivor history.
    • Both Reba women to be voted out (Julie & J Maya) were voted out with never-before-seen vote totals.
  • Julie is the highest-ranking player in Survivor history to be voted out by a plurality vote (the number of votes she received was less than half of the total votes cast)
  • There was a voting square in this episode.
    • Dee voted for Katurah
    • Katurah voted for Julie
    • Julie voted for Jake
    • Jake voted for Dee
  • Everyone received a vote that was eligible at this tribal council.
  • Survivor 41 is the only new era season where the fifth place finisher was a man (Ricard).
    • Survivor 42 – Lindsay
    • Survivor 43 – Karla
    • Survivor 44 – Lauren
    • Survivor 45 – Julie

Tribal Council #2/Firemaking

  • All three original Belo women made the jury, while the three Belo men made it to different stages in the game.
    • Kellie, Kendra, and Katurah were on the jury
    • Brando was pre-merge, Bruce was on the jury, and Jake made it to final tribal council.
  • The player that lost firemaking in the most recent three seasons had hidden immunity idols played on them and ended the season with zero votes counted against them.
    • Survivor 43: Jesse negated one vote at final 5.
    • Survivor 44: Carolyn played an idol on Carson at final 7 and had two votes against him negated
    • Survivor 45: Jake played an idol on Katurah at final 5 and had one vote against her negated.
  • Both players that made it to the finale without any votes cast against them (Austin & Katurah) ended the season with 0 votes cast against them.
    • Austin never got votes, and Katurah’s one vote against her was negated by an idol.
  • Katurah lost the firemaking challenge against Jake in the final 4 firemaking twist.
    • She’s the 14th person to be eliminated from the game (outside of a quit, removal or medevac) without a vote taking place at all.
      • Wanda and Jonathan in Palau were the first and second (not chosen during the initial schoolyard pick for tribes), Bobby Jon in Palau was the third, Devon in Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers was the fourth, Angela was the fifth in Ghost Island, Kara was the sixth in David vs. Goliath, Rick was seventh in Edge of Extinction, Lauren Beck was the eighth in Island of the Idols Sarah Lacine was the ninth in Winners at War, Heather Aldret was the tenth in Survivor 41, Jonathan was the eleventh in Survivor 42, Jesse was the twelfth in Survivor 43, Carson was the thirteenth in Survivor 44.
        • Carson, Jesse, Jonathan, Heather, Lauren, Rick, Kara, Angela, Devon ,and Bobby Jon were eliminated due to a firemaking challenge.
    • Ian Rosenberger in Palau, Brandon Hantz in Caramoan, and Jeff Varner in Game Changers were eliminated without a formal vote taking place but were still voted out.
  • Katurah is the 17th player to lose a firemaking challenge at final 4.
  • Katurah is the 18th castaway to be eliminated without being voted out, removed, quitting, or being medically evacuated. The others are as follows:
    • Paschal English in Marquesas – Rock draw.
    • Jonathan Libby & Wanda Shirk in Palau – not chosen for a tribe in episode 1.
    • Bobby Jon Drinkard in Palau – Firemaking challenge with only 2 tribe members remaining.
    • Rupert Boneham in Blood vs. Water – swapped places with Laura B. after she was voted out.
    • Katie Collins in Blood vs. Water– Rock Draw
    • Jessica Lewis in Millennials vs. Gen X– Rock Draw
    • Cirie Fields in Game Changers – Didn’t receive any votes, but was the only person eligible to be eliminated due to idols and advantages being played.
    • Devon Pinto in Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers – Lost the F4 firemaking challenge twist.
    • Angela Perkins in Ghost Island – Lost the F4 firemaking challenge twist.
    • Kara Kay in David vs. Goliath – Lost the F4 firemaking challenge twist.
    • Rick Devens in Edge of Extinction – Lost the F4 firemaking challenge twist.
    • Sarah Lacina in Winners at War – Lost the F4 firemaking challenge twist.
    • Heather Aldret in Survivor 41 – Lost the F4 firemaking challenge twist.
    • Jonathan Young in Survivor 42 – Lost the F4 firemaking challenge twist.
    • Jesse Lopez in Survivor 43 – Lost the F4 firemaking challenge twist.
    • Carson Garrett in Survivor 44 – Lost the F4 firemaking challenge twist.
  • Jake is the 17th person to win a firemaking challenge at final 4. The others are as follows:
    • Ian Rosenberger in Palau.
    • Danielle DiLorenzo in Panama.
    • Becky Lee in Cook Islands.
    • Bob Crowley in Gabon.
    • Carolyn Rivera in Worlds Apart.
    • Aubry Bracco in Kaoh Rong.
    • Ben Driebergen in Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers.
    • Wendell Holland in Ghost Island
    • Mike White in David vs. Goliath
    • Chris Underwood in Edge of Extinction
    • Dean Kowalski in Island of the Idols
    • Tony Vlachos in Winners at War
    • Deshawn Radden in Survivor 41
    • Mike Turner in Survivor 42
    • Mike Gabler in Survivor 43
    • Heidi Legares-Greenblatt in Survivor 44
      • Heidi is the only woman to win firemaking since the final 4 firemaking twist was introduced.

Third Place: Jake

  • In every new era season, one player has received 0 votes at final tribal council.
    • Xander – Survivor 41
    • Romeo – Survivor 42
    • Owen – Survivor 43
    • Carolyn – Survivor 44
    • Jake – Survivor 45
      • Carolyn is the only woman in the new era to receive 0 votes to win.
  • Jake is the first player to end the season in third place after winning the forced firemaking challenge.
    • Ben, Wendell, Chris, Tony, and Gabler won.
    • Mike W., Dean, Deshawn, Mike T., and Heidi were runners-up.
  • Jake is the third player to win a firemaking challenge and come in third place in a season after Ian in Palau and Becky in Cook Islands
  • Jake is the second player in a row to win firemaking at the orange-colored firemaking station after Heidi in Survivor 44.
    • Previously, all players at the orange station have lost.
  • Jake is the first player in Survivor history to be disqualified from a challenge after breaking it.
  • Jake is the 30th player to receive 0 votes to win at final tribal council. The others are as follows:
    • Becky in Cook Islands
    • Dreamz & Cassandra in Fiji
    • Sugar in Gabon
    • Stephen in Tocantins
    • Mick in Samoa
    • Russell in Heroes vs. Villains
    • Sash in Nicaragua
    • Natalie in Redemption Island
    • Albert in South Pacific
    • Chelsea in One World
    • Sherri & Dawn in Caramoan
    • Gervase in Blood vs. Water
    • Spencer & Tasha in Cambodia
    • Tai in Kaoh Rong
    • Ken & Hannah in Millennials vs. Gen X
    • Troyzan in Game Changers
    • Laurel in Ghost Island
    • Angelina in David vs. Goliath
    • Julie in Edge of Extinction
    • Noura in Island of the Idols
    • Michele in Winners at War
    • Xander in Survivor 41
    • Romeo in Survivor 42
    • Owen in Survivor 43
    • Carolyn in Survivor 44
      • Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers is the most recent season where everyone in the final 3 got at least one vote to win.

Runner-Up: Austin

  • Austin is the first Asian male to receive votes at final tribal council since Woo in Cagayan.
    • He’s the third overall Asian male to receive votes at final tribal council after Woo and Yul.
  • Austin is the first player since Natalie in Winners at War to receive more than one jury vote but not win the season.
  • Austin is the only player to compete in every single challenge this season.
    • Dee, Jake, and Katurah sat out for at least one challenge.

Winner: Dee

  • Dee won 5-3-0.
    • She’s the first winner to win with 5 votes since Ben in Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers.
    • Dee is the first player to win with a 5-3-0 vote total.
  • Other than Ghost Island, which was a tied vote, this is the closest vote total since Nicaragua, which ended with a 5-4-0 vote.
  • This was the first different vote total in the new era.
    • Every new era season has been a 7-1-0 vote.
  • Dee is the first female winner to win the final immunity challenge since forced firemaking was introduced.
    • She’s the third winner to do this after Nick and Chris U.
  • This was the first season since forced firemaking was introduced where the final immunity winner and the player that was brought to the end by them ended up in first and second place.
  • Dee is the first Cuban-American player to win Survivor.
  • Dee is the second winner after Earl in Fiji to be on a starting tribe that starts with the letter R.
  • The two most recent winners were born outside of the US.
    • Yam Yam was born in and lives in Puerto Rico.
    • Dee was born in Cuba.
  • Dee and Austin are tied for most challenge wins this season with 10 total.
  • Dee is the only member of the final 3 to never find an idol or advantage.
  • There have been more female winners in the 40s seasons so far than there were in the entirety of the 30s seasons.
    • Michele and Sarah are the only female winners in the 30s seasons.
    • Erika, Maryanne, and Dee won seasons in the 40s.
  • Dee is the first Hispanic female winner since Sandra in Heroes vs. Villains.
      • Coincidentally, Sandra and Dee both started on red tribes.
    • She’s the fourth overall Hispanic winner after Sandra, Chris U., and Yam Yam.
    • She’s the first female Hispanic first-time player since Sandra’s first win in Pearl Islands.
  • Dee is the first newbie winner to come from a red-starting tribe.
    • Amber and Sandra were on red starting tribes when they won their second seasons.
    • Courtney and Amanda (China) and Susie (Gabon) are the only newbie women from red tribes to be finalists.
  • Dee is the sixth woman to win in a final tribal council against two men. The others are as follows:
    • Natalie beat Russell & Mick in Samoa
    • Sophie beat Coach & Albert in South Pacific
    • Sarah beat Brad & Troyzan in Game Changers
    • Erika beat Deshawn & Xander in Survivor 41
    • Maryanne beat Mike & Romeo in Survivor 42
      • All three new era female winners beat two men at final tribal council.
  • Erika, Maryanne, and Dee all won with two votes cast against them in their seasons.
  • 4/5 of the new era winners are BIPOC.
    • Gabler is the only non-BIPOC winner in the new era.
  • Every new era winner has been of a different ethnicity and was also born in a different country/territory
    • Erika – Filipino (born in The Philippines)
    • Maryanne – Kenyan (born in Canada)
    • Gabler – Caucasian (born in the USA)
    • Yam Yam – Puerto Rican (born in Puerto Rico)
    • Dee – Cuban (born in Cuba)
  • Dee is the second player with a 56% correct voting record after Bob in Gabon.
  • Dee has the lowest percentage of correct votes for a new era winner with 56%.
    • Erika had a 100% voting record, Maryanne had an 88% voting record, and Gabler had an 89% voting record, and Yam Yam had an 80% voting record.
  • Every new era winner has come from a different starting tribe color.
    • Erika was on a blue starting tribe in Survivor 41
    • Maryanne was on an orange starting tribe in Survivor 42
    • Gabler was on a yellow starting tribe in Survivor 43
    • Yam Yam was on a purple starting tribe in Survivor 44
    • Dee was on a red starting tribe in Survivor 45
  • Dee is the fourth winner to receive a vote against them at the first Tribal Council they attended. The others are as follows:
    • Jenna got a vote from Christy in The Amazon
    • Chris got votes from Brook, John P., and John K. in Vanuatu
    • Sophie got a vote from Stacey in South Pacific
  • Dee is the first winner since Sarah in Game Changers to not have a “mat chat” with Jeff in the premiere episode.
  • Dee is the seventh winner to start on a red tribe. The others are as follows:
    • Amber – All Stars
    • Chris D. – Vanuatu
    • Todd – China
    • JT – Tocantins
    • Sandra – Heroes vs. Villains
    • Tony – Winners at War
  • The winners of the three most recent seasons were the last player that was shown in the season preview.


  • Austin and Jake had the most confessionals this episode with 14.
  • Julie had the lowest number of confessionals with 5.
  • Final confessional counts for Survivor 45:
    • 1st: Austin – 71
    • 2nd (tie): Katurah & Drew – 65
    • 4th: Dee – 63
    • 5th: Emily – 62
    • 6th: Jake- 60
    • 7th: Julie- 47
    • 8th: Kaleb- 44
    • 9th: Bruce- 39
    • 10th: Kendra- 35
    • 11th: Kellie- 30
    • 12th: Sabiyah- 21
    • 13th: Sean- 16
    • 14th: Brandon-13
    • 15th (tie): Sifu & J. Maya- 11
    • 17th: Brando- 10
    • 18th: Hannah- 4
  • This season holds the record for highest number of total confessionals with 668.
    • The record was previously held by Borneo, which had 657 total confessionals.


Episode Title

  • The episode title “Living the Survivor Dream” was said by Dee.

Survivor Birthdays

  • This week’s episode aired on Spencer Duhm’s (Tocantins) birthday.
  • News
  • Stats
  • Season 45
  • Survivor 45
  • Survivor 45 Stats

Written by

Rob Brodeur

Rob hails from Boston, MA. He studied Architectural Engineering at college and has been following Survivor since the first season. Rob is married and has a dog named Snoopy. He also used to host Survivor ORGs (Online Reality Games) on Facebook. Rob writes Inside Survivor’s weekly Survivor Stats feature.

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Survivor 45 - Finale Stats - Inside Survivor (2024)


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